Small Size: 0.50" - 1" length
What is unique about Auralite 23 is that it is a form of Amethyst that also contains at least 17 or more of the most helpful minerals known. (The minerals that may be present are: Amethyst, titanite, cacoxenite, lepidocrocite, ajoite, silver, covellite, hematite, magnetite, pyrite, goethite, pyrolusite, iron, limonite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, gialite, epidot, bornite, rutile, copper, chromium and/or nickel.) While there is very little of this mineral available because it comes from only one mine in Canada, it is becoming well known with collectors and in metaphysical circles.
The name "Auralite" is derived from the miracle of earth and sky connective ness, known as the Northern Aurora Borealis Lights. Native American Indians called this phenomenon "The Dancing of the Spirits."
Metaphysically, Auralite has many of the characteristics of Amethyst but is much stronger in the area of shamanic journeys, past life work, enhancing metaphysical abilities, spiritual transformation and physical healing. This is also one of the best stones to use in connecting grids, creating harmony, clarity and protection.