Beautiful with a powerful ZAP of energy to bring "new life" to any situation, especially after a long illness when resources have been depleted - that is the feeling of this gorgeous stone! These all natural Sulfur stones have been polished smooth so they are easy to handle and do not have an overt sulphur smell.
If you could magically capture the Sun in Crystal Quartz, then you would see have incredible combination - Sulfur in Pure Quartz Crystal! Over the millenniums Sulfur has been a classic element for the Magician, the Metaphysician and Wiccan practitioner as well as in many Native Traditions. It is well known as a Sun Stone and a transmutational element as philosophically, Sulfur is considered a combination of the Fire and Air elements. In the Bible it was referred to as Brimstone. However, this Quartz Crystal and Sulfur combination does not have the typical "rotton egg" smell.