Pietersite 7mm Organic Cube Bead (2) #LV7134


Pietersite 7mm Organic Cube Bead (2) #LV7134


Products are usually delivered in 3-7 days.

Size: 7mm, Approx. 2g

Pietersite is a high-vibration crystal for meditation, shamanic journeys, astral travel, vision quests, and all types of metaphysical healing where a state of altered awareness is sought. It is most helpful for fully realizing that we are Spirit Beings on an embodied Human journey.

Cubic crystals are a geometric, symmetrical three-dimensional shape, either solid or hollow, contained by six equal squares. There are a few naturally occurring crystals in cubic form such as Pyrite. However, most crystal cubes are cut and polished. The cube is associated with the Root Chakra and provide a grounding, stable energy. You can place 4 cubes in each corner of a room or tabletop to protect and energize the space.

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