Size: 1.6", Approx. 70g
As one of the most abundant crystals on Earth, Clear Quartz is known as the "King of Crystals" and a "Master Healer." It is highly programmable with your intentions and not incidentally the prime component in electronics that now runs our world. So use Clear Quartz as your starting point to direct energy to where it will do the most good in life, whether it is for health, for healing, or for manifesting your heart's desires. Although Quartz often looks like ice, it is truly capable of starting real or virtual fires with a laser-like focus, so use it carefully with well-thought-out intentions.
These are the perfect size for medicine bags, medicine wheels, and accenting larger crystals in body layouts and grids. Use them in Feng Shui practice to accent and enhance the beauty of spaces and objects. Try scattering around plants, to enhance the look of candle or incense settings. They are beautifully grouped in your favorite glass dishes or art glass. On a table, put some around any natural objects to call attention to them and create beautiful energy. In crafts, I have used them in mandalas, set inside clear polymer to make a design of any kind. They are great for creating custom jewelry, wire cages, wire wraps. I have posted some pictures above to give you some ideas. Remember, your imagination is the only limit! Important common sense note: don't allow young children to play with these or put them in their mouths. Could be a choking hazard.